An independent

Wealth management


World is transforming
quickly. Likewise, asset
management is also evolving rapidly and requires experience
combined with dynamism.

estrela - Exclusividade


Access to exclusive and private investment opportunities.

mapa - Alinhamento de Interesse

Alignment of Interests

We build solid relationships and transparent and consistent results over time. Furthermore, we invest proprietary resources in the same investments as our clients.

mochila - Pensamento Global

Global Thinking

We explore opportunities in several places around the world for different asset classes, mitigating border risks and aiming to preserve global relevance of the portfolio in the long term.

bandeira - Legado


Passing on legacy, educational process and capital accumulation are fundamental pieces in our work

Estratégia de valor lakewood


We believe that the management of Ultra High-Net-Worth allows to access exclusive opportunities that lead to differentiated results.



We work independently and this allows us to analyze the best assets in the Brazilian and global market.



We prepare consolidated financial statements including performance, asset classes and subclasses, custody services, liquidity levels and foreign exchange exposure analysis, illiquid or alternative assets and different risk metrics, among others, providing a clear view of the complete portfolio.



We are technology intensive. We develop in-house systems for data processing, reconciliation and consolidation of reports for our clients.



We are demanding when it comes to the quality of our work. We understand excellence and dedication amount to distinguished results.

Governance is the
basis for sustainability.

Internal Policies

Políticas Internas

We periodically review our policies and keep our team up to date, in accordance with regulatory requirements.



We perform assessment and monitoring procedures, supported by technological verification tools.

Legislation And Good Practice

Legislação e Boas Práticas

We act in compliance with financial markets law and regulations, in Brazil or other jurisdictions, as well as in adherence to best practices in the industry.

Integrated Communications

Comunicação Integrada

Our Executive Committee frequently gathers to discuss and align company’s strategies, as well as to articulate the flow of these information between different departments, strengthening the transparency policy based on agile and responsive communication.



We believe reputation is built on the long run, with respect to others, integrity, and reliability inside and out the organization.

We are a meritocratic partnership
focused on high performance.

Human Capital

We value market experience allied to strong academic background to assemble our team. Our partners have vast experience working in large financial institutions and are passionate about what they do. The combination leads to the excellence of our services.

People Development

We value continued learning, skills, and competencies development, individually and as a team.

Main Partners
